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The Importance of Annual Physicals

 The Importance of Annual Physicals

No matter your age, annual physicals are a cornerstone of preventive health care. Rather than letting health problems sneak up on you, getting regular checkups allows you to stay one step ahead. 

The experienced primary care professionals at Rapid City Healthcare in Irving, Texas, offer comprehensive annual physicals to monitor your health and help prevent chronic diseases. 

Here’s why annual physicals are important:

Catch health issues early

One of the primary benefits of an annual physical is the early detection of potential health problems. A routine exam with your doctor involves more than just a quick chat: We also take your blood pressure, check your heart rate, and study other vital signs to get a handle on your overall well-being. 

Our doctors might schedule blood tests to check for common conditions that we can manage with treatment, like high cholesterol, diabetes, and anemia. The earlier you pinpoint these trouble spots, the better equipped you are to eliminate them altogether, or at least ward off their negative effects.

Keep your vaccinations up to date

Vaccinations aren’t just for children. Catching a vaccine-preventable disease is a risk no adult should take. Flu, pneumonia, and shingles can bring weeks of misery, but a simple shot can keep them at bay. 

During your annual physical, we review your immunization history and recommend any necessary updates. 

Review and update your medical history

Your health can change over time, and so can your family’s medical history. Each year, we ask about any changes in your health story, so be prepared to discuss fresh concerns, new medicines, or shifting symptoms. 

This information provides a clearer picture of what's going on so we can prescribe the right treatment for you. 

Build a strong relationship with your doctor

Establishing a habit of annual physicals lets you build trust with your doctor. This way you can have open and honest conversations, have Q&A sessions, and get expert input on adjusting your lifestyle. 

Our personalized guidance reflects your entire health picture: past, present, and future.

Monitor changes in your health

Annual physicals provide a baseline for your health, allowing you and your doctor to track changes over time. Whether it’s gradual weight gain, changes in cholesterol levels, or fluctuations in blood pressure, monitoring these trends can help you take swift action to get back on track.

Set and achieve health goals

Your annual physical is the perfect time to set new health goals. Whether you’re aiming to lose weight, quit smoking, or manage stress more effectively, we provide guidance and support. We might handpick strategies for you, suggest go-to resources, or even introduce you to experts in our network. 

Schedule your physical today

Think of your annual physical as a routine tune-up for your body. Just like your car needs regular maintenance to run smoothly, your body needs a regular check-in to stay in top shape. Call the office or book an appointment online today.

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